Gay Maraige

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In Pew Research Center polling in 2001, Americans opposed same-sex marriage by a margin of 57% to 35%. Since then, support for same-sex marriage has steadily

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Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, is marriage between people of the same sex, either as a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting.

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Background, arguments, quotes and video on the issue, provided by a non-partisan group.

An essay on why the arguments against gay marriage don’t hold up in the light of reason.

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Follow gay marriage court cases and debates, stay up-to-date on the states that allow gay marriage, and share your opinion on this gay rights issue.

Together with my good friend and occasional courtroom adversary David Boies, I am attempting to persuade a federal court to invalidate California’s Proposition 8

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May 11, 2012 · ABC broke into its daytime lineup May 9, 2012, to announce a historic shift: the president of the United States declaring his personal support for gay

The Supreme Court ruling earlier this year legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide has continued to raise questions about how the decision will affect religious

64% of Americans say same-sex marriage should be legal For the first time, majority of Protestants support gay marriage Support for same-sex relations has also

Overview The rise in support for same-sex marriage over the past decade is among the largest changes in opinion on any policy issue over this time period. A

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