Worm Penis


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Jul 18, 2012 · If you’re eating something, we advise you set it aside before attempting to read this. Behold, the penis fish! BuzzFeed informs us that what you’re lo

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Scientists Found A Weird-Looking Worm & People Can’t Stop Making Penis Jokes

Priapulida (priapulid worms or penis worms, from Gr. πριάπος, priāpos ‘Priapus’ + Lat. -ul-, diminutive) is a phylum of marine worms. The name of the phylum

A group of Australian scientists came across this “peanut worm” during their deep-sea exploration, which the Internet is responding to accordingly.

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Eunice aphroditois (colloquially known as the Bobbit(t) worm) is an aquatic predatory polychaete worm dwelling at the ocean floor. An ambush predator, the

Grey Worm (Valyrian: Torgo Nudho) is the chosen commander of the Unsullied, the warrior-eunuchs

The Worm Sex Position is the Missionary position with the receiver on top but facing the giver’s feet. Getting into the position is a little trickier than usual. The

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An earthworm can grow only so long. A well-fed adult will depend on what kind of worm it is, how many segments it has, how old it is and how well fed it

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Have you ever heard of a parasite called a penis worm? Yeah, neither had we until this morning. Penis worms are ancient phallic parasites that were able to turn

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